Class 1 - January 25

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The Internet's Back-to-the-Land Movement by Becca Abbe (2019)

On How to Grow an Idea by Jenny Odell (2018)

Learning Trails by Leo Shaw (2019)

On Building Knowledge Networks by Edouard U (2018)

Interview with Charles Broskoski on by Laurel Schwulst (2017)

I really enjoyed reading these pieces! I could relate to much of the sentiment present in them and very much appreciated their advocacy of things that are simple and modest. Such a lifestyle is already something that I try to emulate myself, though not to the extent of "do-nothing farming." I can only dream. On that note, I think the whole "off-the-grid," "back-to-the-land" thing is pretty dope but not at all something I could handle. With that being said, though, I am still a fan of not being wasteful. Usually, this is something I consider in the physical sense and, to a fair extent, beyond. I can't say I've ever thought about it from the perspective of an avid internet user, which is really saying something because I think of myself as a very unwasteful person.

Beyond that, I really enjoyed the piece by Jenny Odell and the one by Edouard U. Both kind of instilled within me a wanting to do the things I do but with more intention--with a higher expectation to get stuff out of them.. I don't know what. Also, though probably not relevant, "On Building Knowledge Networks" made me want to reorganize and reevaluate my entire Spotify.

Finally, the last piece by Broskoski was really fun too. I very much love's straightforward, linear design. I guess considering how much information it stores and offers, it's nice for it all to be organized effectively--kind of like a bookshelf.