Class 2 - February 1

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"A History of the Internet" Talk by Laurel Schwulst (2021)

Reboot the World by Paul Ford (2016)

My Website Is A Shifting House Next to a River of Knowledge. What Could Your Be? by Laurel Schwulst (2018)

Fruitful Presentation by Min Guhong (2021)

I know I don't necessarily speak for everyone when I say this, but I have never been affected--or at least notably so--by the information that websites and corporations have on me, but I don't think it's because I play it safe and never give out information or am just incredibly confident in whatever I've "put out there." In all honesty, I think it's because I never know when data is being collected. In the rare case that I do, it never seems like a big enough deal for me to care or try to stop it. I honestly don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. The point here is that the internet is not at all transparent, and so few people know what is really behind their computer screens. I am not one of those people.

Another good example of my cluelessness is the "net neutrality" fiasco. Remember when that was a huge deal, and we all thought the internet was going to die. Well, it didn't.

Okay, I get it: ads suck, but how else can someone afford to maintain a website?

I like the idea of a website as a plant--not rushing its growth, just planting a a seed and seeing where it goes, etc. The idea is especially appealing because just thinking of building an entire, worthy website seems like such a daunting task, but if you don't set goals, nothing can go wrong.

All I can say about Min Guhong's website is that it's super cool and very creative and so far beyond my artistic capabilities.