Project 2 - Microseasons

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I think the most interesting part of the microseasons is the specificity found throughout; I'm a fan of how generics are avoided. Instead of just depending on a shift in "plants," for example, changing microseasons are marked by a new emergence of something specific--from peaches to cherry blossoms (which I love). For those fully depending on the microseasons as an indicator of date, this makes the task of deciphering where we are in the year much easier, but still not as easy as it is to pull out my iPhone and check the date.. lol. That being said, I also very much appreciate that depending on the microseasons as a timeline seems appealing. Imagine an assignment being due when "Mist starts to linger" instead of "11:59:59 PM Friday March 18 with no exceptions." Right?

It would be cool to develop a different set of microseasons for different regions of the world. I'm sure much of the ones we are utilizing are inherent to Japan--considering that it is really a Japanese adaptation put together by an astronomer of a Chinese source. In other words, it doesn't make sense to rely on Japan's microseasons that revolve around bamboo and cherry blossoms (again) while in Indiana. Of course, there would be some overlap, but still...